Crane Trucks & Propane Tanks at Nana’s House Children’s Expo
June 14, 2016 – Nana’s House Child Care Center wanted to do something meaningful for the community, and they achieved that on June 4th with their inaugural Children’s Expo in Rock Hill, NY. The mission of Nana’s House Child Care Center, a non-for-profit 501 (c) …
Dry Ice For Camping
Going camping this weekend?!?! Whether you’re camping or attending a weekend festival, bringing food and drinks are essential. The ability to keep your food and drinks cold is also essential. But who wants to deal with the additional cost, the …
Why do I need a Propane System Leak Test?
Educational • FAQs • Safety
According to the National Fire Protection Association, a Propane System Leak Test must be performed “Immediately after the gas is turned on into a new system or into system that has been initially restored after an interruption of service, the piping system …
Benefits of Propane at Your Restaurant
The two main goals of any restaurant owner: keep operating costs down while keep customers coming back! The profit margin in restaurants paired with high electric and heating costs make taking a look at propane worth it. And the risk can’t be taken lightly when …
Geothermal Heating vs Propane Heating – Propane Comes Out on Top!
With the rise of interest to “go green,” geothermal heating has entered the race as one of the best ways to heat your home and your appliances. Deciding between geothermal heating vs propane heating can be a tough choice. With geothermal, there are …
Builders and contractors are increasingly choosing propane over fuel oil and electricity as their fuel of choice. Why? That’s because propane is a clean, reliable, portable energy that goes anywhere and powers almost anything. It’s a great way for home builders to …
CES Sponsors The 5th Allyson Whitney Foundation 5K
May 11, 2016 – CES Donated $4,000 to the 5th Annual AWF 5K “Five years running strong!” Saturday, May 7th 2016 was the 5th Annual Allyson Whitney Foundation 5k. Held each year on Mother’s Day weekend, the Foundation hosts their largest fundraiser, The AWF 5k. And …
10 Tips to Help You Save Energy This Summer
Energy can heat up a lot more than hot dogs and hamburgers during the summer in the Northeast where the heat and humidity make it difficult to stay comfortable. We all need air conditioning to stay comfortable during the soaring temperatures. …
Don’t Run Out Of Gas With Automatic Delivery
Automatic delivery says you time by having us take care of scheduling you home heating fuel deliveries. Customers should be able to enjoy the benefits of home heating and have peace of mind that their heating systems are running properly; without the unnecessary …
Many people who use fuel oil may be surprised of the several benefits of using propane gas over oil. We’re here to educate you on the advantages of switching. What are some reasons to switch from fuel oil to propane? Environmental Impact Propane is …
CES Donates $5000 to Allyson Whitney Foundation
On Saturday, May 9, 2015 – Combined Energy Services was proud to be able to donate $5000 to the Allyson Whitney Foundation at their annual 5k race / run which this year raised over $90,000 which is used to support young people with rare …
Buried Fuel Oil Tanks are an Environmental Liability
More and more we’re hearing nightmare stories of old buried steel fuel oil tanks rotting through, causing oil to leak into the soil that result in huge cleanup bills for the unsuspecting home owners. Home & business owners don’t …
A high mileage fleet vehicle can save with Propane Autogas
As the price of gasoline continues to rise, the cost savings from converting fleet vehicles to PROPANE AUTOGAS increases. That’s because propane is cheaper than conventional gasoline, ethanol based gasoline and by far – diesel fuel on a net fuel cost …
How Hard is it to Change Propane Suppliers?
How Hard is it to Change Propane Suppliers? Many consumers stay with their current propane supplier simply out of the ‘unknowns’ with how-to change regardless of how much that company may be overcharging or how bad their service has become. …
To own or to lease? That is the question. But the answer might actually surprise you. Most propane customers in the U.S. lease their tank(s) from a supplier. There are a variety of valid reasons for this. Still there are …