I’m on auto pay! You are actually receiving a copy of your invoice, not another bill.
Customers that are on auto pay, either with a credit card or ACH, still receive a copy of the invoice for their records. That invoice is either mailed or emailed after the delivery AND payment has been made.
Please look in 3 places:
- On the top right side of the invoice. The account balance due will say $0.00 if your automatic payment was processed;
- Also in the top right, next to INVOICE it will begin to say -COPY. We have recently had our software company add “copy” to the statement.
- On the bottom left side of the invoice. It will read “Please do not remit payment. The amount due for this delivery/service will be automatically deducted from the Checking/Savings or Credit Card that you have listed with us.”
If something didn’t process correctly, you will receive a call from one of our customer service representatives and the invoice will show an account balance due.
Interested in becoming an auto pay customer, call our office at 800-874-1975. If you wish to use a bank account (checking/savings) download the form here, complete the form and return via the method on the form.
If you have questions about your service or products we offer, please email info@combinedenergyservices.com Do not leave a service or product question in the comments.