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Tired of High Energy Bills

Combined Energy Services has a variety of payments plans to help ease the worry of high winter heating bills

CES Levelized Payment PLANS – Get peace of mind knowing what your heating bills will be each month.

Take control of your home’s energy budget and smooth Your HEATING BILLS OVER 12 MONTHS!

Did your home heating bills exceed your expectations this past heating season? Are you tired of huge winter heating bills? Tired of fluctuating prices? Dislike calling for deliveries of propane or home heating oil?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, the CES Levelized Budget Plans are the solution!

The CES Levelized Budget Payment Plan is the SMART way to heat your home or business!  

How does the Levelized Budget Payment Plan Work?
CES will estimate your annual fuel consumption and spread these costs out over the year with smaller payments.  Our plans run for 12 months (May 1 – April 30) to keep your payments as low as possible!

There are different budget plans to meet your individual needs!

On average, our Price-Capped Budget Payment Plans Customers SAVE $0.30 – $1.50 PER GALLON!

CES Budget Payment Plan Customers also receive these great benefits:

  • 12 Lower, Monthly Payments
  • Different Budget Plans to meet your needs
  • Get our lowest “Prompt Pay” price
  • “Cap Price” available to ensure price never exceeds a set price all year, but can go down if the wholesale market drops.
  • Automatic Delivery of Propane, Fuel Oil, or Kerosene
  • Access to our Professional HVAC services 24/7
  • Can be Billed Directly to your Credit Card or Bank Account for auto withdrawal.

The CES Levelized Budget Payment Plans are the hassle-free way to plan for your annual heating costs!

Contact CES @ 800-874-1975 or complete the form located here to get information on the next budget payment plan.

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