Who wants the unnecessary hassle of constantly checking gauges and scheduling deliveries before running out of gas? Why risk losing heat or hot water when you can avoid it? Sign up for automatic deliveries and let CES worry about the fuel level in your tanks.
As an incentive to sign up for automatic delivery, we will be giving away a snowblower to one of our automatic delivery heating fuel customers in January. All automatic delivery home heating customers will be eligible (regardless of fuel type). There is no registration required other than to either be on auto or to sign up for auto by January 22, 2020. The snowblower will be awarded after the close of business that day.
Benefits of enrolling in automatic Deliveries:
- No More Waiting. Don’t you hate when you run out of heating fuel? You call to schedule a delivery and the company you’re calling informs you that the delivery can not be until next week? With automatic deliveries, you don’t have to worry!
- No More Scheduling Deliveries. Our system monitors your usage and schedules a delivery based off that information.
- No More Gauge Checking. Forget about having to check gauges anymore. We monitor your tank, so you don’t have to!
- No More Out-Of-Gas Situations. There’s nothing worse than running out of heating fuel. With auto delivery, you shouldn’t run out of fuel*.
- Get Even More Protection with our Remote Tank Monitoring System. For a small monthly fee (or free is you use 600 gallons per year), customers can sign up and receive a wireless tank monitoring system. Ideal for homes with high usage or second homes and cottages, this added protection allows us to remotely monitor your system. We also have a remote monitoring application for fuel oil – the Smart Oil Gauge. Learn more!
- Use the CES Smartphone App for even more account insight! With both Apple & Android applications, the CES app is a great way to manage your account. You can view the estimated amount remaining in your tank, look at historical data (both payments & deliveries) and pay your bill. All with just a few swipes on the phone.
How automatic delivery works?
Our automatic delivery system is designed to deliver propane or fuel oil when your tank is approximately 30%. We track information about weather, average heating fuel usage and any external factors that may affect the schedule of your delivery. This allows you to get heating fuel when you need it!
Current CES Customers: Want to enroll in Automatic Delivery? Contact us today at 800-874-1975 to get started or complete the form below.
*Note: Automatic delivery is not a guarantee that you will never run out of fuel. Unexpected usage (ie. running a generator during a power outage) is not something our system can calculate. If you do have unusual usage, please look at your gauge and let us know what it reads.
If you have questions about your service or products we offer, please email info@combinedenergyservices.com Do not leave a service or product question in the comments.