For the 6th year in a row, Combined Energy Services donates to the Pike County Humane Society. CES’s donation of heating oil helps keep pets at the shelter warm throughout the winter.
Combined Energy Services LOVES pets of all kind and we make an effort to support organizations that care for and protect animals. This is the 6th year that we have donated to PCHS and in total we have given $12,500 in heating oil.
Like many non-profit organizations, the Pike County Humane Society struggles to get donations during these difficult times. The shelter could use bleach, Fabuloso type cleaner, paper towels, garbage bags, laundry detergent, kitty litter, screw on mop heads and mop poles. They also could use towels, sheets and blankets, wet cat food too.
“Helping support local organizations that give back to the community and help those who can’t help themselves is important to our company and employees,” commented Mike Taylor, manager of CES. Pictured with the honorary check is PCHS Board Member Robyn Wacha, Chris Roberts & Marla Donald of CES, and PCHS Treasurer Kim Alexander.
PCHS prevents cruelty to animals by educating people in the humane treatment of all animals. They also teach about the responsibility of pet ownership.
In addition, PCHS provides shelter, food, care and medical treatment lost, abandoned, abused and unwanted animals that come under their care.
There are many ways you can give to the Pike County Humane Society. Donate a special skill! They have tons of ongoing projects and programs that can use volunteers. When you go shopping pick up supplies from their wish list or when using Amazon Smile, select the Pike County Humane Society as your chosen charity.
Please consider a donation to make that a reality. Check out their website at https://www.pikecountyhumanesociety.org/