Combined Energy Services does its best to help reduce the environmental impact gasoline or diesel run automobiles can have on the atmosphere. We do our part by converting our fleet of vehicles to run on propane autogas! Propane is clean, safe and efficient. Running automobiles on propane can reduce emissions by 30 – 90% (according to the USEPA)!
Combined Energy Services is going green with propane autogas fleets!
Propane gas was approved as an alternative fuel in the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Educate Yourself on Propane Gas Conversions from Combined Energy Services
For more than 80 years, commercial engine fleets have been running on propane autogas. Nearly 4 million vehicles worldwide are fueled by propane. Tested by the US EPA, vehicles powered by propane gas can produce 30 – 90% less toxins and smog-producing carbon monoxide, and produce approximately 50% less toxins and smog-producing emissions than compared to gasoline engines.
Propane is the third more popular engine fuel after gasoline and diesel. It’s a clean, safe and efficient alternative fuel. Visit the US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center to learn more about propane vehicle emissions. Propane gas in an approved alternative fuel powering more than 4 million vehicles worldwide, resulting in reduced emssions being absored into the atmosphere.
Combined Energy Services is proud to be on the forefront of helping reduce negative environmental issues by having a propane autogas fleet!
Read: “A High Mileage Fleet Vehicle Running on Propane Autogas Can Save Over $5,000 Each Year.”
Interested in being part of the fight to protect the environment? Consider converting your vehicle fleet to propane gas today!
Contact the experts at Combined Energy Services to get started!
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