While propane is delivered as a liquid, all propane appliances operate on propane vapor. Liquid propane begins to boil at -43.6°F at which point it changes from a liquid state to a vapor state. This phase transition is known as vaporization.
Liquid propane (LP) will expand 270 times as it changes from a liquid to a vapor. This expansion rate is the reason that propane tanks, cylinders and bulk trucks have a mandatory maximum capacity of 80%.
When temperatures drop, the rate at which vaporization takes place slows, as environmental temperatures move towards the boiling point threshold. Snow acts as a natural insulator when covering propane tanks, limiting access to sunlight and external temperatures. When vaporization slows, the propane system’s internal pressure can be reduced, causing appliances to stop running.
By maintaining a snow free tank, you may resolve propane alliance issues without a delivery being needed.