Propane Gas
When it comes to propane gas, there is no better name to choose as your supplier than Combined Energy Services!
Propane can be used for residential, commercial, and agricultural purposes

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Why People Choose Propane?
Since propane is created from natural components, natural gas and petroleum, it’s readily available here in the US. Almost 90% of the propane that is used in the United States is produced right here. Convenient and portable, propane can be used virtually anywhere, from the country to the city.
Propane is clean burning and effectively competes with other fossil and renewable fuels on efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in many applications. It is listed as an approved alternative fuel listed in both the Clean Air Act of 1990 and the National Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Propane has a remarkable safety record, due in part to the strict codes and regulations developed by the propane industry and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Propane has built-in safety properties: It won’t ignite when combined with air unless the source of ignition reaches 940 degrees. Propane is non-toxic and insoluble in water. Because it is released as a gas it doesn’t spill, pool or leave a residue.
Virtually anything in your house, restaurant or building that can run on electricity can run on propane. Propane fueled homes are less costly to operate than an electric home. National fuel prices from the U.S. Department of Energy show that the cost of electricity to more than twice the cost of propane. Add to that fact that propane-fueled furnaces last 5-10 years longer than electric or fuel oil ones. Propane has more energy for each gallon of fuel than other alternative fuels.
Environmentally Friendly
Propane creates far less pollution than the power plants supplying you with electricity. It also offers additional air quality advantages: when properly mixed with air to form a combustible mixture, propane emits virtually no soot, and low carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen, which are the basic precursors of ground-level ozone, or smog. It burns cleaner than coal, light and heavy petroleum fuels, ethanol, and even natural gas in some cases.
Propane is stored and transported under pressure, the transportation and storage system prevents any evaporative emissions. In the event of a leak, propane vaporizes and dissipates into the atmosphere. Propane stands above more fuels and rivals the cleanest! Get your FREE no-obligation quote today!

Metered Gas Service
Built under the same stringent codes as natural gas distribution systems, CES can install a propane system that can supply subdivisions, apartment complexes or commercial rentals from one centralized storage tank. We provide everything for the developer or commercial property owner including engineering, permitting, installation and continual maintenance while eliminating the need for individual tanks and delivery trucks at each customer’s location. Very often we can be in a shared trench with electric, cable TV & telephone making installation simple for the developer. For more information, visit our Metered Gas Service page.