Our Story
Combined Energy Services started as Taylor Oil in Walt & Patricia Taylor’s kitchen in 1968 when Pat would answer the home phone with her 4-year-old & infant son. Walt worked for a different local heating oil distributor by day, would deliver oil to their customers at night, purchasing his heating fuel from his boss.
Didn’t take long until the Taylors bought a local Atlantic gasoline station in Monticello, moved the home office, and added fuel oil storage tanks on a parcel in neighboring Thompsonville, NY. The rest is basically history- over the next 50 years, CES has grown into one of largest FAMILY OWNED propane gas & heating oil companies in the region and now serves the tri-state region of NY, PA & NJ.
While our company may have grown, our commitment to delivering the best customer service 24 hours per day at fair prices with the best team in the industry has never wavered. We hope you’ll keep us in mind when it comes to your energy needs.